
Tech posts

The latest news, insights and announcements from Bring Digital

SEO, Tech

How to Write SEO Briefs that Developers Will Love

Bring Digital's SEO Director, Michael Scowcroft, explains why building solid relationships with your developers is essential when embarking on SEO projects — and how you can craft briefs that help them do their best work.   When I was growing up, I remember my teachers always saying to me: "Developers make the web go round." Well, they didn't really say…...

Mastering INP: Enhancing Web Responsiveness for Google’s 2024 Core Web Vital Update

SEO, Tech

Mastering INP: Enhancing Web Responsiveness for Google’s 2024 Core Web Vital Update

The news is out: Google’s Core Web Vitals is getting a new metric. It’s called INP (Interaction to Next Paint) and it’s set to replace the existing FID (First Input Delay) metric in a matter of weeks from now. Or,…...